
As the coaching relationship comes to a close, this is a wonderful time for the coachee to reflect on their goals, their progress, and their accomplishments. It is a rare moment in someone’s life to have such a positive mirror reflecting their highest aspirations and celebrating milestones big and small.

In this session, you and the client will review the closing questions below. Through these questions (and any follow-ups) you will reflect on progress, celebrate wins, identify what support this person would like moving forward, and highlight their biggest lessons learned as a recipe for future success.

For each question, coach should let the coachee go first with reflection for each question, but this is a fantastic time to also acknowledge the growth you have seen in them; help celebrate mindset shifts or accomplishments big and small that they might not even be aware of. Tell them this is not a time for humility—list everything big and small!

Coach Preparation

  • Reflect on your time together based on the reflection questions below


Reflection Questions

  • What have you accomplished since we started working together?

    • List as much as you can—things big and small!

    • What aspects did you enjoy most?

  • Beyond the accomplishments themselves, what are you most proud of?

    • Who/how did you have to be to accomplish those things?

    • Who have you become over the last three months?

  • What were your biggest challenges? How did you overcome them?

  • Your 10 Guiding Principles: New mindsets / mantras / approaches to life

    • If you were going to give yourself a guide book for your next big life change. What would you tell yourself for the next big project? Together come up with a list of 10 (coach can help brainstorm guiding principles that you saw the coachee follow)

  • What’s next for you? (~6 months)

    • How does the end of this process signify a new phase of my life? What am I most looking forward to?

  • What systems/support do you want to build for yourself moving forward?

    • How will you hold yourself accountable? What support do you need / want to create? What practices do you want to put in place for when coaching ends?

  • Anything else?


Support / Coaching options for moving forward:

  • Momentum Private Community
  • One-off Jumpstart sessions as needed

  • Re-start retainer at any point



  • Based on their replies to the questions—particularly around what support they want moving forward—come up with a few closing assignments

  • I often assign for them to review their coaching notes and see if there is anything we missed that remains to take action on, and to acknowledge their progress and lessons learned

  • Have them do something to celebrate! Whether it’s a nice meal, a massage, a fun event — have them do something to honor this commitment to their own growth and development.

CR: Sample Closing Email with Notes

Hi {Name},

Notes are below — it has been such a joy to work with you, and will look forward to checking back in at the start of {Month}!

{Acknowledgement of what you have observed their strengths and biggest accomplishments to be, what you see as you look ahead to their future}

I am excited to continue following along your path and supporting you however I can!

{Your Name}