Jenny Blake, career and business strategist and former career development program manager at Google, reveals how to methodically make your next career move by doubling down on what is already working.

Careers are not linear, predictable ladders any longer; they are fluid trajectories. No matter our age, life stage, bank account balance, or seniority, we are all being asked to navigate career changes much more frequently than in years past. The average employee tenure in America is just four to five years, and even those roles change dramatically within that time. Our economy now demands that we create businesses and careers based on creativity, growth, and impact. In this dynamic world of work, the only move that matters is your next one.

Drawing from her own experience and those of other successful pivoters, Jenny Blake has created a four-stage process that teaches anyone how to seamlessly and continually:

  • Double-down on existing strengths, interests, and experiences

  • Find new opportunities and identify skills to develop without falling prey to analysis-paralysis and compare-and-despair

  • Run small experiments to determine next steps

  • Take smart risks to launch with confidence in a new direction

This book is for anyone searching for an answer to the question, "What's next?" and has become the go-to book for innovative organizations to improve retention, communication, and internal mobility—while also helping managers improve their skills in holding 1:1 career conversations with their teams.

In 2017, Pivot won an award for Axiom Best Business Book in the careers category. JP Morgan selected Pivot for their client #NextList2017, and Business Insider named it among the 20 best business books of 2016 and 7 books that will change the way you work in 2017. Jenny has been featured as a career change expert on CNBC, in The New York Times and The Sunday Times UK. Her Pivot Podcast is a top rated show that CNBC listed among 6 podcasts to make you smarter about your career, and selected by Entrepreneur as one of the top 20 female-hosted business podcasts

If you are:

  • Hitting a plateau in your perfect-on-paper job

  • Considering taking on a new role in your organization

  • Mapping your growth to find resonant stretch projects within your current role

  • Thinking about starting your own business, or moving into a new industry altogether . . .

One thing remains clear: your career success depends on your ability to determine your next best move.

If change is the only constant, let’s get better at it.




Pivot: The Only Move That Matters is available in hardcover, paperback, Kindle, and Audible anywhere books are sold. Order online or purchase at your local bookstore. For organizations looking to order more than 25 copies, bulk rates are available.