Leader Toolkit

Thanks for signing up to be a #PIVOTmastermind Leader! We’re thrilled to have you on board :)

This toolkit has everything you need to set up your own accountability group for the Pivot process. You'll have exclusive ongoing access to this page for managing your group and downloading helpful templates, sample emails and resources.

First order of business: check out the getting started steps below.

Of course, you will know your group best, so feel free to add, subtract, and adjust these steps to best suit your group’s needs!

Your Next Steps

  • If you haven't already, pick up a copy of Pivot: The Only Move That Matters Is Your Next One. This will help you guide conversation as you go.
  • Brainstorm who you want to invite to your group. We recommend inviting 1 to 3 others (to make sure everyone has maximum air time on the calls).
  • Alternatively, you can recruit a larger group of 10+ then assign them to smaller breakouts of 3-person triads (three is an ideal number in case one person can't make the call that day).
  • Bookmark the PIVOT Toolkit for templates, podcasts, and other recommended resources for each stage of the PIVOT method.

Recruit Your Group

Set-up Calls

  • Make a copy of the Mastermind Group Discussion Template and rename it for your group; share with group members. 

  • Make a copy of the Quarterly Focus Tracker Template and rename it for your group; share with group members. 

  • Decide on call frequency and length. 

  • Run a Doodle poll to determine group members' availability for recurring calls. 

  • Schedule a recurring day/time for meetings in calendar. Decide whether you'll hold meetings via Google Hangout (video) or phone. If phone, I recommend Uber Conference so that you can record calls, and so that it's the same dial-in number every week. If you upgrade to pro ($10/mo) you will get your own personal phone number (no passcode required).

  • There are three pages in the sub-navigation on the left: Month 1: Plant, Month 2: Scan, and Month 3: Pilot.
  • Check these out for a sample week-by-week agenda of what suggested PIVOT topics to cover in addition to your regular check-ins and brainstorming. 
  • You can repeat this sequence of topics quarterly, just applied to each person's new set of goals.

12-Week PIVOT Roadmap (Optional)