We’re Thrilled to Be Your Thought-Partner


No matter where you are in your Pivot process, we are here to partner with you at every next step to help you move from confusion to clarity. We offer several options at varying levels of investment—choose the level of support that fits best: 


Linked-In Learning: Figuring Out Your Next Move

In this LinkedIn Learning course, you’ll get 20 short videos and exercises to create a Pivot plan for growth within your current role or for making bigger moves. The course takes just under one hour to complete.

Your investment: $29 for lifetime access

Group Coaching

Career Pathfinder Coaching Program with Adrian Klaphaak

An online group career coaching program that guides you step-by-step to find your calling. This program blends group coaching sessions with the road-tested Career Pathfinder course, created and led Jenny’s first career coach and longtime friend, Adrian Klaphaak.

1:1 Career Coaching

Pivot Career Coaching

Personalized, one-on-one support to kickstart and accelerate your career pivot. Whether you’re just starting out or risen to the top at your company, our certified Pivot coaches will help you go from clarity to action.

Your Investment: Pivot Career Coaching starts at $997/month. There is no minimum commitment after your first month, though we do recommend planning to engage for at least a few months to get the most out of coaching. That said, can cancel at any time in advance of your next billing cycle.