The Four-Stage Pivot Method


Ultimately, Pivot boils down to a simple series of repeatable questions:

  • What’s working?

  • What does success look like?

  • What’s out there?

  • What can I try?

That’s it. You cannot know your entire Pivot plan up front. You have to break things down into small enough chunks that feel safe to try, then let those pilots show you what starts to gain traction.

The same is true for your career, your business, or your side hustle. There is no one answer, but that doesn’t mean you have to go it alone either. We all know what The Wall feels like — when you feel like you’ve tried everything, and you’re still spinning in confusion and analysis-paralysis. 

It’s time to pair-up with a thought-partner. Together you will identify your superpowers and biggest strengths, define a one-year vision for success, get crystal clear on your unique value, personality, and expertise that you and only you bring, and create a strategic action plan to move things forward, piloting at every step of the way until you start experiencing ease, flow, and unstoppable momentum.