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I believe each person's life and work is meant to thrive. We were created for it, and our world desperately needs it. In my experience at Google and across other top companies, we so often are missing this critical element of our work. I am here to partner with you to determine what it looks like for your life and work to thrive, and support you in taking meaningful action towards that goal. My coaching style is grounded in empathy, equal partnership, and presence mixed with clear action and accountability. I look forward to exploring with you what it means to unleash your thrive. 

Fun Fact: Farmers Markets are my favorite places. I love to find them in every city or town I visit around the world. You can learn so much about the place and the people!

More about Nicole

Nicole is a leadership and transition coach, specializing in partnering with leaders and teams of all levels in writing their own versions of impactful transitions. Nikki first helps clients ground into what matters most for them in a time of transition. She then engages them to get clear on their goals, including the why behind those goals, and then to take meaningful actions to achieve those goals. 

Nikki spent over 11 years at Google. Most recently, she was a leadership coach and organization development consultant for Google’s top leaders. She supported leaders and leadership teams in developing effective teams, planning for rapid growth and scale, implementing large scale change management, and enabling effective remote working. Previous to that role, Nikki spent 9 years leading global sales enablement, coaching, and training initiatives at Google. Since leaving Google, Nikki served as the Director of Talent at the edtech company 2U, leading organization development and talent planning efforts before starting her own consulting and coaching firm, Red Oaks Leadership. 

Nikki has a Masters of Science in Organization Development from Bowling Green University, a Bachelor of Arts in Economics and Management from Albion College in Michigan. Nikki completed her coaching training with the Coach Training Institute and is an International Coaching Federation certified leadership and transition coach. Nikki is certified in Myers-Briggs, Insights Discovery, StrengthsFinder, and Change Style Indicator assessments, and is experienced in Core Strengths other individual and team assessments. 

When not partnering with clients on transformation, Nikki can be found hiking, sampling new ice cream shops, traveling with her husband and son, or playing in the lake in the summer months with my family in the midwest. Nikki also serves as a board member & mentor with Leadership Edge next generation development training.



  1. Braving the Wilderness by Brene Brown

  2. Humble Inquiry; The Gentle Art of Asking Instead of Telling by Edgar Schein

  3. 5 Dysfunctions of a Team by Patrick Lencioni