45: Happy Launch Day!! Pivot for the Podcast: James Altucher Interviews Jenny

45: Happy Launch Day!! Pivot for the Podcast: James Altucher Interviews Jenny


One of my favorite authors, bloggers and good friends—James Altucher, author of Choose Yourself and the Choose Yourself Guide to Wealthtakes over the Pivot Podcast this week to interview yours truly. I couldn't imagine a better way to celebrate the book launch—be sure to grab your copy wherever books are sold!! 

I also took over James' show today—if you don't already subscribe to his podcasts, get on it! They're my favorites that I listen to: The James Altucher Show and Question of the Day (with Freakonomics co-author Stephen Dubner).

44: Want Nothing, Have Everything: The Happiness Equation with Neil Pasricha

44: Want Nothing, Have Everything: The Happiness Equation with Neil Pasricha

"Be you. Be you, and be cool with it. There is nobody else you can be better. There is so much of you unique to the world. You are unique and complicated. You are different and dimensional."

—Neil Pasricha, The Happiness Equation: Want Nothing + Do Anything = Have Everything

Neil Pasricha's writing is like a cup of hot chocolate, or as he would describe it in Awesome Thing #119, like watching butter melt on a hot piece of toast. It is comforting and delightful. His latest book is about what he learned along his own roller coaster ride of reaching smashing success with his 1,000 Awesome Things blog and books, then realizing he still wasn't happy. We break down topics like The Saturday Morning Test, the three time buckets, and many more.

43: Humans are Underrated with Geoff Colvin

43: Humans are Underrated with Geoff Colvin

What can people do that computers never will? According to Geoff Colvin, that's the wrong question. It is futile to ask what computers will never be able to do, since they are accomplishing new, previously unthinkable feats at an astonishing rate. Instead, we must ask what it is that humans will insist continue to be performed by other humans? 

The answer lies in the shift happening as we speak: from a knowledge economy to what Colvin calls the relationship economy. We also talk about his first book, why talent is overrated (and the two qualities you can cultivate instead). I hope you find this conversation as fascinating as I did! 


42: Are You High Net Growth?

42: Are You High Net Growth?

Some people measure their lives in terms of money, orienting their careers around acquiring wealth and material markers of success. Those who have accumulated financial wealth are considered high net worth individuals. But for the vast majority of people I encounter, money is not the number one driver of purpose and fulfillment. It is only a partial means to that end.

High net growth individuals love learning, taking action, tackling new projects, and solving problems. They are generous and cooperative, and have a strong desire to make a difference.

41: The Progress Paradox with Gregg Easterbrook

41: The Progress Paradox with Gregg Easterbrook

According to Gregg Easterbrook, "The men and women at middle-class standards or above in the United States and European Union now live better than 99.4 percent of the human beings who have ever existed," including most of the royalty of history. And yet, we are no happier. How can this be?

We explore afflictions such as: choice anxiety, abundance denial, "call and raise the Joneses," collapse anxiety, the revolution of satisfied expectations, and meaning want. We also dive into their powerful antidotes: forgiveness, gratitude and optimism, as well as Gregg's earlier work on why talent is overrated (and the two ingredients to strive for instead).

40: The Upside of Stress with Kelly McGonigal

40: The Upside of Stress with Kelly McGonigal

"My heart is pounding because my heart is in it. Because I care. Because my body is getting ready to rise to this challenge."

—Kelly McGonigal, author of The Upside of Stress

Have you fallen into the trap of thinking that all stress is toxic? If so, you may be unknowingly compounding the effects of it on your body and mind—or at least missing out on some of the benefits and insights stress has to offer. Kelly McGonigal, a pioneer in the field of "science help" and one of my favorite authors, debunks a number of stress myths in the episode.

32: How Meditation Re-Wired My Brain + 5 Tips for Making the Habit Stick

32: How Meditation Re-Wired My Brain + 5 Tips for Making the Habit Stick

Meditation has re-wired my brain. I don’t walk on clouds every day, but I do feel like a new person three years in to maintaining a daily practice (and 120 days in to a consecutive streak). I know, I know. One shouldn’t promote meditation as a miracle cure. But if you have an active mind, one that veers toward anxiety and stress like me, take a listen to this week’s Pivot Podcast.

31: Illuminate: How to Lead a Movement with Nancy Duarte

31: Illuminate: How to Lead a Movement with Nancy Duarte

“The future is a formless void, a blank space waiting to be filled. And then a Torchbearer envisions a new possibility. Some say being a torchbearer is a burden. Some say it’s a blessing. Either way, those who light the path are the ones who change the world.” —Nancy Duarte and Patti Sanchez, Torchbearer’s Calling in Illuminate

27: Intuition and Frequency with Penney Peirce

Intuition is an innate gift, one available to all of us, and a skill—a muscle that you can build with practice and attention. I am thrilled to bring you today’s podcast, an interview with intuition expert Penney Peirce, whose books have had an enormous impact on my life. Reading The Intuitive Way kicked off two years of coincidence tracking, intuition studying, and surrendering to serendipity—and completely transformed the way I go about my day-to-day life. I hope you enjoy this conversation as much as I did, and stay tuned: we’ll be doing a follow-up on dream interpretation in a future episode!


Penney Peirce is a gifted intuitive empath and visionary, and one of the pioneers in the intuition development movement. She is a popular author, lecturer, counselor, and trainer specializing in intuition development, “skillful perception,” transformation, and dreamwork. She is the author of The Intuitive WayFrequencyLeap of PerceptionDream Dictionary for DummiesDreams for Dummies, and The Present Moment: A Daybook of Clarity and Intuition.

Penney has worked throughout the US, Japan, South Africa, and Europe since 1977 as a coach to business executives, coaches, psychologists, scientists, other trainers, and those on a spiritual path. Peirce’s work is open-minded, practical, and sophisticated, synthesizing diverse cultural and spiritual world views with many years’ experience in business as a corporate art director with such companies as Atlantic Richfield and American Hospital Supply Corporation. She is extraordinarily attuned to the intricacies of the mind and the dimensions of human awareness, blending a deep understanding of natural laws with a designer’s skill in structural patterning.

Penney emphasizes the practical aspects of intuitive development and transformation, helping people apply “direct knowing” to increase natural efficiency and their enjoyment/participation level in life. Her work assists people and organizations in uncovering life purpose and action plan, understanding and easing transitions, alleviating burnout, and finding accurate answers to pressing questions. She believes that life functions according to innate natural principles, and when we live in alignment with these truths, things work smoothly and effectively.


  • Intuition as a tool for accessing information through “direct knowing”

  • How to develop your intuition and learn to trust it

  • The difference between gut instinct and intuition

  • Question and answer come at the same moment

  • Intuitive writing and journaling; many creative projects get done with intuitive help

  • Moving from the Information Age into the Intuition Age; how to embrace transformation

  • Navigating change in relationships

  • The creation cycle: going from inspiration and vision in your right brain, to transferring it to the left brain for planning, to the physical work and manifestation

  • Placing attention rather than intention

  • How to avoid being an energy sponge, and shift back into your home frequency when you get off-balance

  • The importance of dream journals—even if you don’t remember your dreams


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